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Rounding decimals worksheet for 5th Grade

Our free printable rounding decimals worksheet will give students practice rounding decimals to nearest tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. These rounding decimal worksheets are suitable for 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th grades. The workbook is an easy-to-use worksheet with many rounding examples. The worksheets are designed in common problem and multiple choice questions (MCQ) format to help you understand rounding to 1, 2, and 3 decimal places.

We also included additional printable worksheets that reinforce the concepts of rounding decimals that help students round the numbers up or down to one, two, or three decimal places. Students practice rounding numbers in various situations, from rounding cents to rounding thousands. Each set of free rounding decimal worksheets with answer keys for third, fourth, and fifth-grade students.

rounding decimals worksheet

Free rounding off decimals to the nearest tenth, hundredth, and thousandth printable PDF

In school, we learn that decimals are rounded to the nearest tenth. In reality, it can be a little tricky to know where to round in some cases. For example, 3rd grade students might be rounding decimals to the nearest whole number and tenth like 3.33333 to 3, and 4th grade students might round 4.66667 to 5. Free worksheets with answer keys were provided to practice rounding decimals in different scenarios To help students solve this problem.If a teacher wants students to learn rounding decimals, they can use this free printable rounding decimals worksheet to teach the topic. Teachers have a variety of resources for teaching rounding decimals. In addition to the four worksheets in this PDF, printable worksheets and answer keys are also available.

Rounding decimals in one, two, and three places

The following worksheet is a free pdf that can be downloaded and printed out. Students can use it to practice rounding decimals in one, two, and three places.

The worksheet includes three columns, each containing rounding of 30 decimals problems for students to round to the nearest number (1, 2, or 3. The answer key is included at the bottom of the page for each column of decimals. The key shows which decimal should be rounded up or down.

rounding decimals to the nearest whole number and tenth worksheet


rounding off decimals to the nearest hundredth worksheets grade 4


5th grade math rounding decimals to the nearest thousandth worksheets



rounding off decimals worksheets grade 5 MCQ


rounding decimals to the nearest hundredth worksheet MCQ


rounding to 3 decimal places worksheet MCQ


rounding decimals to the nearest tenth hundredth thousandth worksheet MCQ


Answer keys 1
Answer keys 2

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